About Course
Fundamentals of Urban Building Energy Modelling – UBEM

The strategic development of appropriate energy supply systems and the construction of energy-efficient buildings are critical initiatives in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.
In order to determine the optimal plans for reducing the energy consumption of cities, decision-makers require evaluation criteria and potential scenarios.
Consequently, numerous tools for urban building energy modeling (UBEM) have been developed over the past decade in an effort to accomplish this.
This training course is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the various methods and approaches that UBEM employs. Comparing the most pertinent and readily available UBEM tools, this work evaluates their capabilities and limitations.
Comparing the primary UBEM tools’ attributes in order to produce a concise selection guide for novice users is the objective.
The utilization of an urban building energy model offers a highly effective approach for accurately forecasting building performance. The potential worth of a design is inherently jeopardized unless critical design choices are evaluated beforehand.
Beyond Smart Cities specializes in the application of urban building energy modeling techniques to various building typologies and climatic regions.
Thousands of dynamic simulation energy models have been developed with the objective of enhancing building performance across various design phases, with the intention of identifying potential opportunities and mitigating risks.
The Fundamentals of Urban Building Energy Modelling -UBEM training was developed by Krishnaji Pawar, an accomplished energy modeling expert specializing in the creation of sustainable design strategies for commissioning, environmental impact assessment, green building certification systems (LEED, GSAS, etc.), energy modeling, and environmental management systems.
The Fundamentals of Urban Building Energy Modeling course introduces urban building energy modeling, encourages discussion and insight into current and future UBEM research, and most importantly, inspires young researchers to ask new and important questions.
Learning Objectives
- What is urban building energy modeling (UBEM)?
- Why is urban building energy modeling needed?
- What are the available UBEM tools?
- Urban modeling approaches
- How can local weather data be generated and used for UBEM?
- How can results from UBEM be calibrated?
- What are some examples of applications of UBEM?
The potential of urban building energy modeling to significantly enhance the energy performance of buildings on a large scale in a way that promotes energy efficiency, sustainability, and city management is substantial.
Urban energy system models revolve around several critical domains, namely policy assessment, technology design, building design, urban climate, and systems design. Additionally, UBEM contributes to approaches for urban and regional building energy planning that promote sustainable built environment development.
Other Related courses
Building Energy Modeling Professional – BEMP Exam Question Bank
The Building Energy Modeling Professional BEMP Exam Question Bank will help energy modeling professionals create a focused, individualized study plan to meet their professional development goals, in addition to the 500+ question BEMP Practice Exam with key terminology flash cards.
Learning Objectives
- Learn the terms and acronyms used in Energy modeling.
- Learn the basics of how to do high-level Energy modeling.
- Look into the process of hiring more closely.
- Know how the tactics work and make smart choices.
- Feel what it’s like to take the real ASHRAE BEMP test.
- Learn how to respond to questions that depend on the situation.
- The practice test should be seen as an important part of your schooling and studies.
- Study Flashcards for the ASHRAE BEMP Exam
The Building Energy Modeling Professional BEMP Exam Question Bank is comprised of multiple-choice inquiries. Students will be able to assess their knowledge and ability to complete the exam with the requisite score by completing 500 questions in five four-hour simulation exams.
The simulation examinations correspond to the most recent version of the ASHRAE BEMP knowledge domain.
Course Content
Section 1: Introduction and Course Outline
L1_04EMxSiC_Found UBEM – Handout