Carbon Verification and Validation Services

Around the world, newly emerging greenhouse gas markets have developed as the carbon reduction industry has grown into a multi-billion dollar marketplace.  Global initiatives such as the Kyoto Protocol are creating standards that will allow industry to meet important carbon emission reductions under a cap and trade agreement.  Since no one government agency is in charge of keeping an eye on these markets, ISO standard 14065, created by the International Organization for Standards, made it clear that there was a strong need for trustworthy third-party validation and verification.

Beyond Smart Cities Carbon Accounting and Finance Services provide third party validation and verification of carbon emissions reductions that allow qualifying offset projects to trade carbon credits on global carbon exchanges.  As an accredited verification and validation body under ISO 14065, Beyond Smart Cities utilises recognised greenhouse accounting techniques to ensure that carbon reductions meet the requirements for international trading.  Beyond Smart Cities offers expertise in the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Initiative project based certification procedures of the Kyoto Protocol, with special emphasis on energy efficient projects.  Further, accreditation from ISO empowers Beyond Smart Cities to verify carbon emission reductions globally for various carbon exchanges, including:

  • Global Climate Exchange
  • European Climate Exchange
  • Australian Climate Exchange
  • Chicago Climate Exchange

Beyond Smart Cities’ extensive experience in efficient energy offset projects, we create additional value for our clients through carbon reduction consulting and carbon finance assistance.  This experience allows us to optimise the performance of offset projects, ensuring our clients achieve the maximum carbon asset.

Carbon Finance Consulting Services

Certified emission reductions and their expected future cash flow represent additional revenue streams that offer capital intensive energy efficient projects a greater return on investment.  Beyond Smart Cities provides clients with a range of transaction models, from directly purchasing the project’s credits to arranging specific buyers for credits, providing access to the carbon pooling facilities that we manage, and bringing investors and project finance as part of the transaction.

Finance Services for Project Developers

Beyond Smart Cities helps project owners identify sources of investor financing.  To ensure the lowest financing costs for our client partners, we work closely with project lenders and take measures to incorporate the proceeds from the carbon transactions in the financing structure of the project.

One way we work with developers is to form early commitments to purchase carbon credits in lieu of our advisory services. This transaction type aligns our long term interests with those of the project developer and provides a long term partnership model for both parties.

Our consultants also help project developers negotiate the best price and terms for their emission reduction sale transactions. Beyond Smart Cities, with the help of its efficient carbon consultants, provides project developers with consulting services to develop and design forward contracts and transaction structures for long term carbon emission transactions. We identify buyers for the credits and negotiate long term forward sale contracts on behalf of our client partners.

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